I am a sexual person. There is no denying this fact. I'm very open about my sexuality and find no shame in it. That being said, I'd like to say that I don't really believe you have three choices: gay, straight or bi.
I think its more of a spectrum, if you will. With homosexual being 100% and heterosexual being 0%. Bisexuals are naturally 50%.
What about the other percents?!
Me, I'm here:

Now, that's as of this moment. I think girls are damn sexy, but I've never been in a relationship with one although I have had crushes. My radar is subject to shifting, as are most of ours.
Another thing, I also lightweight consider myself pansexual because I don't rule out any gender group when it comes to possible love. This includes: boys, girls, boys that look like girls, girls that look like boys, girls that act like boys, etc.
people are so fucking retarded. just lurked your formspring hahahahaha.
btw - watch the tv show 'the l word'. you will NOT regret. in fact i have a feeling you'll love.
this is tight, i kinda have the same opinion and had a conversation to my friend fernanda about it the other day. I feel like peoples sexual status is molded by how they grow up but people shouldn't be so judgemental. cus in the end it matters on the connection of two ppl no matter what sex the are. I think people just put titles like gay, bi and straight but really there isnt any word for it because anyone can like anyone if theres a strong connection.
yeah...sorry i tots typed a lot.
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