Friday, May 28, 2010

What is your defininition of beauty, both inner and outer, and how do you think media's portrayl of beauty affects society (women in particular)?

i honestly find NOTHING attractive or desirable about the media's portrayal of beauty. it is unrealistic, unhealthy, and impossible to obtain. it has to be impossible to obtain otherwise the major industries that are basically powered by female insecurity would have no clientele. If women believed that they were truly beautiful exactly the way they were, there would be no cosmetic surgery industry, no cosmetic industry period. I think its sick that they are making money by making women feel ugly.

i think beauty exists in all life and that true beauty (for humans that is) is the acceptance and understanding of that beauty. you don't have to have a perfectly symmetrical face with a small nose, big eyes, 5'7" 115 pound figure to be beautiful. anyone can be beautiful. it's just a matter of finding that beauty within and embracing it.

ask away u beezyy

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